
Event Schedule

  • Day 01

    Oct 17, 2023

  • Day 02

    Oct 18, 2023

  • Day 03

    Oct 19, 2023

  • Day 04

    Oct 20, 2023

Main Stage
10:25 (CEST)

Benvenuti in Coderblock Connect

Our CEO Danilo Costa welcomes you inside our brand new Open World. Explore the virtual world and discover all the Coderblock Connect scheduled activities!

Main Stage
10:30 (CEST)

Metaverse Transformation Engine

A journey into the world of the metaverse together with the Deloitte SB Team with the participation of Michele Chiaramondia (Deloitte Consulting SB - Partner), Michele Montesi (Monitor Deloitte SB - Senior Executive), Marco Caridi (Deloitte Consulting SB - Specialist Manager AI&Data), Ilenia Pia Viceconti (Deloitte Risk Advisory SB - Metaverse Data Ethics & Security Senior Manager), Federica Caretta (Deloitte Legal SB - Director IP & IT Specialist), Pietro Boccaccini (Deloitte Legal SB - Director Data Protection Specialist) and Giovanna Mantovani (Deloitte Consulting SB – Manager Human Capital).

Main Stage
11:10 (CEST)

Future of work: come cambierà il modo di lavorare?

How will digital transformation and new technologies affect the world of work and talent scouting? Let's talk about it with Olga Farreras (Enterprise Account Director – Talent Solutions – LinkedIn Italy).

Main Stage
11:30 (CEST)

Dai social al metaverso

Roberto Esposito (CEO at Alterside) in a speech about metaverse as evolution of the sociality.

Main Stage
12:00 (CEST)

La potenza della creatività e la frontiera della comunicazione: quali sono le opportunità date dalle nuove tecnologie

Eugenia Brini (Designer, trainer and Canva Verified Expert) and Danilo Spanu (Brand Designer) will discuss about creativity and new technologies and on the online opportunities for visual communication.

Main Stage
12:45 (CEST)

Innovazione e nuove consapevolezze: perché è importante oggi parlare di educazione finanziaria

Jonathan Figoli (CEO at Family Economy Week) tallks about innovation as cultural change about money management and financial awareness.

Main Stage
15:00 (CEST)

A tu per tu con l’avv. Guido Scorza, Componente del Collegio del Garante per la protezione dei dati personali

Guido Scorza (member of the board of Italian data protection Authority) talks about protection of personal data and the challenges it faces with the advent of new technologies.

Main Stage
15:15 (CEST)

Metaverso: una nuova frontiera per aziende e utenti

Let’s explore the connection between metaverse, financial world and real estate market with our panelists Gianluca Giordani (CEO at Giordani & Partners | Real Estate Agent), Alessandro DiPace (InnovationLab Agos) and Manfredi Domina (CEO & Co-Founder at Keplera).

Main Stage
15:50 (CEST)

Così le nuove tecnologie stanno rivoluzionando il marketing

Veronica Gentili (Social Media Marketing Expert | Entrepreneur | Author), Giuseppe Noschese (E-commerce Consultant) and Mario Di Girolamo (Director & Co-Founder at Visio Digital Partner) will talk about the technological future of social media ADS, e-commerce and Artificial Intelligence.

Networking Area
16:00 (CEST)

Meet the speakers

Have a chat with Coderblock Connect speakers inside the Networking Area!

Main Stage
16:30 (CEST)

Crypto Art: come la tecnologia blockchain sta rivoluzionando il settore artistico

Andrea Concas (Art Tech Entrepreneur, CEO and Founder Art Rights, Founder and Publisher of The NFT Magazine) talks about the application of blockchain in the artistic field.

JP Vip Area
16:30 (CEST)

Meet John Pork

The virtual influencer John Pork is waiting for you for a chat and a selfie in his VIP Area!

Main Stage
17:00 (CEST)

NFT e Metaverso: quali sono le sfide legali

Giulio Coraggio (Partner | Head of Intellectual Property & Technology), Giulietta Minucci (Senior Associate @ Lexia Avvocati), Andrea Pantaleo (Head of Crypto, Web3 & Fintech Sector at DLA Piper Italy) and Riadi Piacentini (The Hoodie Lawyer) will join a panel focusing on the legal challenges applied to the metaverse and Web3 world regarding crypto, NFT and blockchain.

JP Stage
18:00 (CEST)

John Pork Virtual Dj Set

Get ready to chill, feel the vibes and enjoy the virtual dj set by John Pork.

Web3 Area
Extraction: 21:00 (CEST)

Season 1 Land Raffle

Access Coderblock Connect and signup for the everyday raffle for a Season 1 Land before the extraction!

Main Stage
09:55 (CEST)

Bentornati in Coderblock Connect

Our CEO Danilo Costa welcomes you inside our brand new Open World. Explore the virtual world and discover all the Coderblock Connect scheduled activities!

Main Stage
10:00 (CEST)

Dal Web3 all’AI, cosa ci riserva il futuro?

What’s the role and potential of AI in the corporate world and in products and services designing? Let's discuss with our panelists Fabio Moioli (Leadership Advisor at Spencer Stuart), Edoardo Degli Innocenti (CEO & Co-Founder at B3YOND) and Andrea Cattabriga (Strategic Designer & Researcher).

Main Stage
11:00 (CEST)

Come il metaverso rivoluzionerà le aziende e come proteggeremo i nostri dati

Let's talk about Web3 dynamics and tools enable new logics of corporate innovation and what impact are they having on business strategies with Vincenzo Rana (CEO at KNOBS) andMarco Tullio Giordano (Tech Lawyer & DPO - Partner at 42 Law Firm).

Licensync Area
11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)

“Sicurezza in rete”

Teenagers and metaverse with Fondazione Carolina and Pepita Onlus.Focus on “mafie and metaverse” with prof. Vincenzo Musacchio.

Main Stage
11:40 (CEST)

NFT, arte e moda nell’era delle nuove tecnologie: cosa aspettarci dal mondo della crittografia e blockchain

How Artificial Intelligence can improve fashion world and how blockchain can impact on sustainability? Let's explore virtual opportunities of fashion with Daniela Losini (Author and creative director), Arianna Pozzi (CEO at GAIAMYFRIEND) and Mario De Luca (PR & Partnership manager at Blowhammer).

Main Stage
12:15 (CEST)

Nuove Tecnologie, Legal Engineering e Metaverso

Laura Cappello (Founder at Studo Legale Cappello) talks about the relationship between Legal Engineering and the virtual revolution of the metaverse.

Main Stage
12:30 (CEST)

Metaverso: il non-luogo perfetto per Formazione e Apprendimento METIT ITALIA -Associazione Italiana Metaverso

What's the future of learning in the metaverse? Let's discuss about it with Debora Lonardi (IT Analyst, NuclearPhysicist and Italy STEM Trainer)

Main Stage
15:00 (CEST)

La nuova frontiera del copyright online

Rachele Bonani , Carmine La Pietra e Fabrizio Trionfera from Licensync talk about the new frontier of online copyright in the metaverse with Antonino Abbate e Silvia Bertelli from Onlymusix.

Main Stage
15:30 (CEST)

Digital entertainment: il successo di Casa Surace

Alessio Strazzullo (Co-founder & Content Creator at Casa Surace), Daniele Pugliese (Co-founder & Content Creator at Casa Surace) and Luca Persichetti (Marketing Manager at Casa Surace) in a panel about the success of Casa Surace, an Italian factory and production company in the field of digital entertainment.

Main Stage
16:00 (CEST)

La terza dimensione dell’e-learning: il metaverso

Ernesto Damiani (President at National Interuniversity Consortium for Informatics) and Livio La Mattina (Education Marketing Manager LUMSA e JP2) will join a panel on how the virtual world is generating a revolution in the world of learning thanks to an immersive interaction experience for users.

JP Vip Area
16:30 (CEST)

Meet John Pork

The virtual influencer John Pork is waiting for you for a chat and a selfie in his VIP Area!

Main Stage
16:40 (CEST)

Neuromarketing: un approccio strategico e innovativo per business e collettività

What’s neuromarketing and how it can improve communication and marketing strategies for brands? Francesco Gallucci (Vice-president AINEM) and Mariano Diotto (Neuromarketer, Founder & CEO at Neuromarketing Italia) will talk about it in a neuromarketing-themed panel.

Main Stage
17:30 (CEST)

A New Financial Frontier: How Media and Journalism are Fueling the Crypto Revolution

Lucrezia Van Stegeren (Co-Founder at Cryptoland Media) in a interesting insight about the role of Media, Press and Journalism in Crypto world.

Main Stage
17:45 (CEST)

Blockchain the new revolution

An analysis of the revolutionary iimpact of blockchain and Web3 inside the digital world with Bruno Calabretta (Co-Founder DISRUPTIVES ICP - Hub Indonesia).

JP Stage
18:00 (CEST)

John Pork Virtual Dj Set

Get ready to chill, feel the vibes and enjoy the virtual dj set by John Pork.

Web3 Area
Extraction: 21:00 (CEST)

Season 1 Land Raffle

Access Coderblock Connect and signup for the everyday raffle for a Season 1 Land before the extraction!

Main Stage
09:55 (CEST)

Bentornati in Coderblock Connect

Our CEO Danilo Costa welcomes you inside our brand new Open World. Explore the virtual world and discover all the Coderblock Connect scheduled activities!

Main Stage
10:00 (CEST)

Tech for good: come la blockchain diventa alleato della sostenibilità per migliorare il pianeta

Let’s talk about how blockchain could support transparency, sustainability and the adoption of green and ethical practices with Anna Fongaro (CEO & Founder at Colata Studio) and Luisa Gaburova (CEO & Founder at Deply).

Main Stage
10:45 (CEST)

Dal Codice al Codice del Metaverso: La Nuova Frontiera dello Studio Legale

Law and metaverse: let's discover the new frontier of legal innovation with Fabio Francesco Franco (Founder E-Legal Studio Legale).

Main Stage
11:00 (CEST)

Quali sono le nuove sfide del marketing e della comunicazione?

Matteo Zambon (Co-Founder e CTO at Tag Manager Italia), Alessandro Mazzù (Consultant | Trainer | Author | Creator) and Stefano De Carlo (Founder at will discuss on the role of AI and automation in digital analytics and marketing strategies for brands.

Licensync Area
11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)

“Diritto d'autore e web 3.0, le opportunità del metaverso”

With E-Lex Law Firm, AGCOM, SIAE, LEA, Itsright, Onlymusix, 7607 and Assipod, collectings and realities committed to the protection of copyright.

Main Stage
12:00 (CEST)

Coding the Future: Talent Space - A Journey of Innovation and Collaboration

Matteo Malvicini (Digital Innovation Manager talks about Talent Space) the new Innovation Project run by Randstad Italia for enhancing the relationships between talent and companies in the virtual world.

Main Stage
12:20 (CEST)

La connessione delle nuove tecnologie

The adoption of cryptocurrencies in the Retail world: what are the risks for the monetary sovereignty. Let's talk about it with our panelists Francesco Rampone (Tech & aIP lawyer and President at Associazione Blockchain Italia), Luca Lupattelli (Digital Project Manager) and Fabiano Taliani (COO at Coinbar).

Main Stage
15:00 (CEST)

La Digital Transformation e lo sviluppo di nuovi modelli di business

How Artificial Intelligence can help companies to improve their export and create new business models? Let's discuss about it with Antonio Procopio (CEO & Founder - Digital-Hub StartUp Accelerator), Andrea Groppelli (Founder & CEO at iDigital3 srl), Giorgio Veronesi (Executive Director Digital Technology And Innovation) and Alessio Gambino (Founder at

Main Stage
16:00 (CEST)

Metaverso e realtà virtuale: le nuove tecnologie immersive delle emozioni e del personal branding

Marcello Marinisi (Personal Branding Expert and Career Coach) and Emanuela Spernazzati (HR Manager | Career & LinkedIn Coach) talks about new digital professions and how metaverse and AI are changing the approach to work.

Networking area
16:00 (CEST)

Meet the speakers

Have a chat with Coderblock Connect speakers inside the Networking Area!

JP Vip Area
16:30 (CEST)

Meet John Pork

The virtual influencer John Pork is waiting for you for a chat and a selfie in his VIP Area!

Main Stage
16:45 (CEST)

From immersive and augmented applications to the Metaverse

Massimo Canducci (International Manager and University Professor) in a speech about augumented reality experience and the metaverse.

Main Stage
17:00 (CEST)

Metaverse: the new frontier of medicine

A panel with Roberto Ascione (CEO at Healthware Group) and Marco Giacalone (Currently CMO @ Dr.Feel, formerly P&G brand executive) about virtual world as the future of healthcare: how digital health will unleash a human-sized future for a more accessible, ubiquitous and sustainable healthcare.

Main Stage
17:45 (CEST)

Metaverse and Digital Lands: a step-by-step guide

Carmine Montemurro (Founder at Studio Unique) explains business opportunities connected to the virtual real estate market.

JP Stage
18:00 (CEST)

John Pork Virtual Dj Set

Get ready to chill, feel the vibes and enjoy the virtual dj set by John Pork.

Web3 Area
Extraction: 21:00 (CEST)

Season 1 Land Raffle

Access Coderblock Connect and signup for the everyday raffle for a Season 1 Land before the extraction!

Main Stage
09:55 (CEST)

Bentornati in Coderblock Connect

Our CEO Danilo Costa welcomes you inside our brand new Open World. Explore the virtual world and discover all the Coderblock Connect scheduled activities!

Main Stage
10:00 (CEST)

Lavorare nel metaverso: prospettive e opportunità nel futuro

New technologies and job market: what are the new professional roles of the future. The panel will involve Guido Penta (Tech Recruiter at Polaris Engineering), Elisa Laezza (LinkedIn Sales Manager) and Dario Franzosi (Talent Acquisition & Social Recruiting Manager).

Main Stage
10:30 (CEST)

Metaverso: come rendere l’innovazione sostenibile

An in-depth look at the new frontiers of renewable energies with Fabrizio Virtuani (Head of Innovation, Technology, and Information Services at Gruppo TEA Spa), Pietro Antonio D’Alema (General Manager at SILEA Spa) and Paolo Magni (Innovation Manager at Gruppo Enercom).

Main Stage
11:00 (CEST)

Il futuro dei brand nel metaverso

From Web2 to Web3: le'ts talk about the evolution of brand digital strategies inside the metaverse with Sara Noggler (CEO at Polyhedra | Web3 & Metaverse Advisor).

Licensync Area
11:00 - 12:30 (CEST)

“Almeno tu nel metaverso”

Art and NFTs, through the opera of Silvia Bertelli and Luana Macchi in a meeting of exchange with artists and content creators.

Main Stage
11:30 (CEST)

Innovazione tecnologica: come cambiano i modelli di business e il mondo del lavoro

The entry of Artificial Intelligence into the world of work generates the need for greater legal protection for workers, especially those operating in the digital field. Let's talk about it with Alessandro Lombardo (Head of Strategy & Creativity in 15 seconds, digital marketing area of BTO Research) and Martina Nicolino (Digital Lawyer and member of Fare Digitale).

Main Stage
12:00 (CEST)

Save the Children Italia e il Metaverso: nuovi spazi per coinvolgere e sensibilizzare

Lorenzo Catapano (Head of Innovation, Digital Technology & Data at Save the Children Italia) with a speech about the metaverse as a new way to raise awareness on the third sector.

Main Stage
15:00 (CEST)

Metaverso: perché investire nel Web3?

Matteo Bonfanti (Key Partner Venture Capital - Kairos Partners SGR) and Mariano Spalletti (Country Director at Qonto Italy) in a panel about success startups and venture capital field application in the metaverse.

Main Stage
15:30 (CEST)

The Innovation Paradox

What's the real meaming of innovation? Andrea Solimene (Co-Founder & CEO at Seedble) talks about the main paradoxes about innovation management.

Main Stage
16:00 (CEST)

Diritti di proprietà intellettuale e rischi di contraffazione nel metaverso

Cesare Galli (Founding Partner and Managing Partner di IP LAW GALLI S.r.l.) talks about "Intellectual Property Rights and Counterfeiting Risks in the Metaverse".

Networking area
16:00 (CEST)

Meet the speakers

Have a chat with Coderblock Connect speakers inside the Networking Area!

JP Vip Area
16:30 (CEST)

Meet John Pork

The virtual influencer John Pork is waiting for you for a chat and a selfie in his VIP Area!

Main Stage
16:20 (CEST)

Il futuro del training journey tra fisico e digitale

Let's talk about the future of the training journey between physical and virtual world with Daniele Cavalieri (Founder & GM at Cavalieri Retail).

Main Stage
17:00 (CEST)

Osservatorio nazionale sulle tecnologie DLT/Blockchain IBNO

Jessica Rota (IBNO Partnership Director) share with us the actual results of the Italian Blockchain Observatory.

Main Stage
17:20 (CEST)

Crypto art: come si diventa un crypto artista

Giusy Amoroso (Digital Artist & Creative Technologist) talks about the main challenges of becoming a crypto-artist.

La Setta dei Poeti stage
17:30 (CEST)

Live reading

“Folle, folle, folle di amore per te” live reading session with La Setta dei Poeti Estinti, TOMO Libreria Caffè and Rome Future Week.

Main Stage
17:35 (CEST)

Press REC: What sharing your journey can do

How your life can change if you press REC? Samuele Mura, Football Agent - Entrepreneur - Ceo & Founder of Traslo Service Limited & Edith Media, tells his story and how his life have changed.

JP Stage
18:00 (CEST)

John Pork Virtual Dj Set

Get ready to chill, feel the vibes and enjoy the virtual dj set by John Pork.

Web3 Area
Extraction: 21:00 (CEST)

Season 1 Land Raffle

Access Coderblock Connect and signup for the everyday raffle for a Season 1 Land before the extraction!

Music Stage
20:00 - 21:30 (CEST)

LivARTy: live concert

With the rock noir band Duo Belladonna (Dani Macchi e Luana Caraffa) and the rapper Lucariello.

Music Stage
23:00 - 00:00 (CEST)

LivARTy: virtual dj-set

With dj Myke, aka Micionero.

Coderblock Connect Logo


Coderblock Connect is a virtual worldwide networking event within Coderblock Metaverse that aims to create relationships between companies, brands and users, to offer valuable content related to the blockchain and Web3 world, and show the best key business opportunities in the metaverse.

Where & When?

October 17th to 20th
Coderblock Virtual World